Some things to know...
Welcome to the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History. We look forward to your visit. To ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all Museum guests, please be aware of and respect the following rules.
These guidelines may change without notice.
- All persons, bags, parcels, clothing, and other items may be subject to screening/security checks.
- The Museum reserves the right not to allow any bag, parcel or other items to be brought into the Museum, and to take action with any unattended object in such a way as we consider appropriate.
- Because the Museum is a family museum, we expect guests to act appropriately. Please show common courtesy to other Museum Guests and Museum Team Members by not using profanity or engaging in unsafe, illegal, disruptive or offensive behavior.
- For your safety and the safety of others, please refrain from running.
- Appropriate attire, including shirts and shoes, must be worn at all times. Clothing with multiple layers is subject to search. We reserve the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that we consider inappropriate or attire that could detract from the experience of other Guests. Visible tattoos that could be considered inappropriate, such as those containing objectionable language or designs are not permitted. Bathing suits are not permitted. Spurs are not permitted.
- For the comfort of all guests, smoking of tobacco, e-cigarettes and other products that produce a vapor or smoke are not allowed on the Museum campus – including courtyards. Guests may smoke outside but not within 50 feet of any entrance to the Museum, and the Museum requests smokers refrain from smoking on primary pathways to and from Museum entrances.
- Please supervise your children and children within your care at all times. Guests under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.
- We allow trained service animals in all public areas of the Museum. For more information, please read our complete Service Animals Policy (PDF).
The following items may not be brought into the Museum or used on Museum property:
- Recreational devices such as drones, remote control toys, skateboards, scooters, inline skates, shoes with built-in wheels.
- Alcoholic beverages, marijuana or any illegal substance.
- Suitcases, coolers or backpacks with or without wheels.
- Weapons of any kind, objects that appear to be weapons or toy guns (also including toy blasters, water guns, etc.).
- Selfie sticks, hand-held extension poles for cameras or mobile devices.
- Large tripods.
- Laser pointers.
- Glass containers.
- Pets or other animals, except approved service animals. For more information, please read our complete Service Animals Policy (PDF).
- Other items that we determine may be harmful or disruptive.
The following activities are not allowed:
- The sale of goods or services or the display of goods or services for sale.
- The distribution of printed or recorded materials of any kind.
- Unauthorized events, demonstrations or speeches, or the usage of any banner, flag or sign for commercial purposes or to incite a crowd.
- Photography, videotaping or recording of any kind for commercial purposes. Traveling exhibitions may have further restrictions on photography per contractual policies. Areas within the Museum or portions of an exhibition wherein photography may be limited or prohibited will be communicated via signage, exhibit gallery guide or Museum team member. Guests must have written permission to use photography and/or video of Museum images for commercial broadcasting, advertising, marketing or publishing in any medium.
- Engaging in any unsafe act or other actions that may impede the operation of the Museum.
- Guests are required to comply with all local, state and federal laws as well as museum policies, rules, and instructions posted or otherwise listed or verbally communicated.
While we encourage creativity, we also value safety and good judgment. If you’re planning to attend a special event at the Museum, take a moment to read over our policies:
- All Guests: The Museum reserves the right to deny admission to or remove any person wearing attire that is considered inappropriate or detracts from the experience of others. Costumes must be family-friendly and may not be obstructive, offensive, objectionable or violent. Costumes may not include weapons that could be mistaken for an actual weapon. Costumes may not contain sharp objects, pointed objects or materials that may accidentally strike another individual.
- 13 and Older: Layered costumes or costume props that surround the entire body are strongly discouraged and may be subject to additional security screening. Masks may not be worn by guests 13 years of age or older unless they are for medical purposes.
- 12 and Under: Costumes and some masks may be worn, as long as the mask does not cover the entire face and eyes are visible.
Guests who do not adhere to these guidelines may be refused entry into, and/or removed from the premises unless the costume can be modified to meet Museum standards.
The Fort Worth Museum of Science and History prohibits weapons as provided in Sec. 46.03 of the State Penal Code. The Museum School, also located on these premises, has operated as a licensed educational institution since 1950, and the Museum operates daily as a destination for public and private school-sponsored activities.
The unlicensed possession of a weapon on these premises is a felony with a maximum penalty of 10 years imprisonment and a fine not to exceed $10,000.
Visitor Guidelines
If you are sick, please stay home. For everyone’s safety, anyone who feels ill or has signs of a respiratory illness should visit another time.
Social distancing. Guests should stay at least six feet away from other people from outside of your home.
Wearing a mask. We recommend that all non-vaccinated guests wear a mask while visiting to keep everyone safe.
Sanitizing stations. Hand sanitizing stations are available throughout the Museum.
Have a question, ask! Museum staff are here to keep you safe and answer any questions or concerns you might have.
What is the Museum Doing?
- Mandatory staff training about health and safety procedures.
- Hand sanitizer will be available through the Museum.
- Reinforce new policies through signage and on-site staff.
- Museum safely team in place to coordinate health and safety compliance for public and staff.
- Condiments in single-use portions on request.
Health and Safety Guidelines that detail the Museum's response to COVID-19 are available here (PDF).
By visiting the Fort Worth Museum of Science and History you voluntarily assume all risks associated with exposure to COVID-19.